Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fitch Family

Can we say ... WOW ... what a cold day! What a wonderful family - they were all such sports in this cold weather!!!

To see more of the Fitch Family ... please go to (click on client viewing)

Thank you guys for sharing this COLD day with you - I hope you enjoy them!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cain Family - 2009

Today I was lucky enough to photograph a very good friend of mine and her family! Becky and I have been friends for a long time and I have enjoyed watching Evan grow into such a sweet boy! Thank you Chris & Becky for such a great time... I hope you enjoy the photos. To see the entire album from today's session please go to - click on client viewing.

Thank you Again -

Friday, October 23, 2009

Rotary Club of Great Bridge 3rd Annual Golf Tournament- 2009

What a GREAT time this day was at the Great Bridge Rotary Club's Golf Tournament.

Here are some of my favorites.....

Christa & Bryan's Wedding Oct 2009

I was very lucky to have the chance to shoot a wedding with Becca (Rebecca Franklin Photography) this past weekend. Here are some of my favorite ones.....

Thank You Becca - it was a great time!!

Shannon Wanamaker

A couple of weeks ago - I was honored to take some family photos of this wonderful family! It was so wet and it was raining off and on all day!
Thank you guys for being such good sports!

Thank you again!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sabrina's Senior Portraits- Class of 2010

What a GREAT night and Awesome girl. Sabrina is a Senior at Kempsville High School. Thank you so much for this wonderful shoot!

Here are some of my favorites!
To see more pictures..... click on client viewing.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Davis Family

What a great time!!! This is why I love what I do!
Thank you guys for allowing me to do this for ya'll.

then click on "Client Viewing"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jenna & Kaitlyn

I am very lucky to have two great nieces and great sports! Jenna and Kaitlyn spent the weekend with us and they both wanted some pictures done. We didnt have much time - but I feel they came out very good. Enjoy!

To see more photos from that day - go to my website... They will be listed under client viewing.

Thank you!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Christening of Nicholas

What a great experience! I was asked to photograph the Christening of Nicholas. Here is a sneak preview of this AMAZING event!

The Proud Godparents

This is Nicholas- What a Sweetheart!

Such a great group of kids.. they had a good time!

Such a Beautiful Church

Thank you so much for allowing me to share this day with you and your family!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Tina Mundy's Portrait Party

WOW- What a great time! A great friend of mine, Tina - had a Portrait Party for me this past weekend. We were going to be taking pictures of children - Well - the funny thing is no kids came! So we just did the next best thing.... had a few glasses of wine and had a blast! Thank you guys so much for being such great sports!!! If you would like to see all the photos from this party- go to and click on client viewing. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Chelsey's Senior Pictures

WOW.... What a fun morning! Chelsey is a Senior at Gates County High School (Class of 2010). I have posted a couple of my favorites from this morning! She was such a good sport! Thank you again Chelsey (and of course her Mom) for allowing me to do this!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Erica & Wayne's - Wedding

What a GREAT couple... Erica & Wayne were married on May 16th, 2009 in Va Beach, VA. I took a great friend of mine - Rebecca Franklin - with me to share this special day! Thank you Rebecca for all your help! It was a BLAST! I have posted just a couple of my favorites.

Thanks again Erica & Wayne for allowing me to share this special day for you both.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Suzanne & Rodney's Wedding

I was very lucky to share this special day with Suzanne and Rodney. They were married on the beach in Va. Beach, Va. It was very windy - but such a nice day! I have posted just a few from
that special day!

Day One of this blogging stuff!!

Well ... I have finally done it! I have a BLOG! Wish me luck!